"I can't come back, my dear," called Oz from the basket. "Good-bye!"
"Come back." "Good-bye!" "Come back." "Good-bye!" "I will miss you." "Come back soon." shuted everyone, and all eyes were turned upward to where the Wizard was riding in the basket,
rising every moment farther and father into the sky.
And that was the last any of them ever saw of Oz, the Wonderful Wizard.
through he may have reached Omaha safely, and be there now, for all we know.
But the people remembered him lovingly, and said to one another:
"Oz was always our friend. When he was here he built for us this beautiful Emerald City,
and now he is gone he has left the Wise Scarecrow to rule over us."
Still, for many days they greved over the loss of the Wonderful Wizard, and would not be comforted.
2024-01-14 23:29 浏览:3035 搜索引擎搜索“养老之家”
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