2024-11-11 07:07  浏览:754  搜索引擎搜索“养老之家”
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the devil is in the details

time is running out

don't mind him

I messed up

I'm pissed off

what makes you say that

we'll see about that

you can count on me

another day another dollar

humor me

you rock

that was sick

just a heads up

say when

let nature take its course

leave me in peace

you look sharp

let me sleep on it

nice try

I'm stressed out

what's your point

what time do you get off

you don't know shit

I'm your man

my word is my bond

nothing comes from nothing

mark my words

I'm your man

I'm pissed off

I'm pressed for time

don't blame yourself

enjoy your meal

it miss you

let bygones be bygones

you promised me

try harder

it's not a big deal

you make me sick

I'll do my best

it don't love you anymore

time will tell

you suck

start over

I assure you

don't look back

I need some money

it don't care

it's been a long time

what can I say

life sucks

hang in there

it mind you so much

it want a raise

you ask for it

you have my attention

you are full of shit

you are telling me

that's just the way it is

no objections

I envy you

I'm afraid so

it owe you an apology

if you say so

something like that

what's the hurry

is this seat taken

we must hurry

keep your eyes peeled

give me a reason

shut your mouth

are you thirsty

you are insane

get out of my sight

I will not fail you

il give you a hint

I'm used to it

as long as it takes

you look very dashing

you read my mind

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